Wednesday, November 29, 2017


After so many years of my long conversations with Chinese artists in their studios in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Xi'an and Guangzhou, as well as in Hong Kong and Taiwan, I've been able to bring the conversations closer to home. For the White Rabbit Artist Interview series, I've been able to record interviews with each artist from the collection who visits Sydney, shared via Vimeo. We're building up quite an archive.

Here is a sample selection - firstly, a 'teaser' for my longer conversation with Cang Xin earlier this year:

Cang Xin Trailer from White Rabbit Collection on Vimeo.

And a longer conversation with the wonderful New York-based Lin Yan:

Lin Yan in conversation with White Rabbit from White Rabbit Collection on Vimeo.

Check out our conversations with Shen Jiawei, Lu Xinjian, Song Yongping, Wang Zhiyuan, Xiao Lu, Xia Hang and Guo Jian. In the editing room right now: Song Jianshu and Huang Hua-Chen. And keep an eye on White Rabbit 's Vimeo Collection early next year for some VERY exciting additions!
White Rabbit Collection Vimeo